Final Test
To obtain a Certificate for Achievement for the Occupational Health and Safety in Green Work Environments training course you have to:
- Be a registered user
- Complete all 8 Modules of the course
- Pass the final test
The final test for the Occupational Health and Safety in Green Work Environments training course is available only in English language.
Nonetheless, you may choose to get through the training course in any of the available language versions in the platform. You will obtain access to the final test upon completion of all modules in one and the same language version.
The final test consists of sixteen questions. Each question has only one correct answer. The only exception is question no. 8, where more than one answers might be correct.
You have the right for three attempts to pass the test. The time for each attempt is limited to 40 minutes.
The maximum score is 20 points. The passing grade for the test is 70% or 14 points.
Upon successful completion of the test, you will be prompted to fill in your names in a field. Please be aware that the names you insert will appear on the Certificate.
In case of any questions or need of support, get in touch: contact [at]
Final Test