Module 2.Risk management and prevention measures, practices and models of work-related diseases in existing and emerging sectors using hazardous substances and chemicals including explosive, environmentally hazardous, toxic, carcinogenic, etc.

24 students


The module aims to equip the trainers and the managers with the skills and knowledge, necessary to identify risks and mitigate them using good practices and appropriate prevention measures in their company.



K1. Identify risks which could lead to work-related diseases
K2. Classify hazardous substances and chemicals used
K3. Explain risk management in the context of work-related diseases using hazardous substances and chemicals


S1. Develop good practice models to tackle the occupational risks related with the use of chemicals and hazardous substances
S2. Make use of appropriate prevention measures
S3. Organise effective risk management


Responsibility & Autonomy:
R1. Demonstrate awareness of work-related diseases in existing and emerging sectors
R2. Evaluate occupational risks at the usage of hazardous substances and chemicals
R3. Monitor the work and learning processes with regards to effective management of the risk assessment
R4. Instruct trainees on methods and measures for prevention of work-related diseases



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