Occupational Health and Safety in Green Work Environments

Modulo 1.Nozioni di base sulla regolamentazione della salute e della sicurezza all’interno delle PMI, tra cui leggi, regole e buone pratiche nel campo dei lavori “verdi”
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown

Modulo 2.Gestione dei rischi e misure di prevenzione, pratiche e modelli di malattie professionali nei settori esistenti ed emergenti che utilizzano sostanze chimiche e preparati pericolosi, tra cui esplosivi, pericolosi per l’ambiente, tossiche, cancerogene, ecc.
SCOPO Il modulo mira a dotare ai formatori e ai manager delle competenze e delle conoscenze necessarie per identificare i rischi e mitigarli utilizzando buone pratiche e adeguate misure di prevenzione nella loro azienda. RISULTATI DI APPRENDIMENTO Conoscenza (Knowledge): K1. Identificare i rischi che potrebbero portare a malattie legate

Modulo 3.Valutazione dei rischi professionali connessi ai posti di lavoro verdi e digitali. Aumentare la cultura occupazionale per la transizione verde e digitale
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown

Modulo 4.Segnalazione degli eventi di sicurezza utilizzando tecnologie digitali per sensibilizzare i lavoratori e fornire un facile accesso per segnalare infortuni, incidenti o quasi incidenti
SCOPO L’obiettivo di questo modulo è fornire alle PMI una comprensione dello stato attuale dei sistemi di segnalazione degli eventi di sicurezza e di evidenziare i potenziali vantaggi dell’uso delle tecnologie digitali. RISULTATI DI APPRENDIMENTO Conoscenza (Knowledge): K1. Delineare gli aspetti principali della segnalazione degli eventi di sicurezza K2.

Modulo 5.Norme e regolamenti delle pratiche ergonomiche nei luoghi di lavoro attraverso piattaforme digitali
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown

Modulo 6.Digitalizzazione nella salute e sicurezza ambientale e software di gestione della salute e sicurezza ambientale (EHS)
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown

Modulo 7.Principi normativi per monitorare l’applicazione delle norme che garantiscono luoghi di lavoro sani e sicuri attraverso l’utilizzo di strumenti tecnologici e digitali
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown

Modulo 8.Ambienti di lavoro verdi nel contesto della sicurezza e della salute sul lavoro
SCOPO Questo modulo si propone di fornire una panoramica delle implicazioni della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro per contribuire alla creazione di un ambiente di lavoro verde. RISULTATI DI APPRENDIMENTO Conoscenza (Knowledge): K1. Spiegare le implicazioni per la salute e la sicurezza sul lavoro verso un mercato del lavoro

Test finale
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown
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The processes performed to reduce the heat transfer between two environments at different temperatures are called Thermal Insulation. As a result of the increase in energy costs people carefully monitor the thermal insulation of buildings. What are the the benefits of thermal insulation in buildings and installations? Which are the modern thermal insulation materials? How can we use them?

The content of the training material reveals opportunities for gaining advanced knowledge related to basic mortars, their properties, test methods, storage rules, application rules, as well as the appropriate tools for screeding. The topic will summarize the knowledge about the technology of preparation and use of screed solutions through theoretical materials and practical assignments.
Restoration is a partial or complete process of restoring the authentic character/original characteristics of cultural monuments according to factually proven data. Restoration is carried out with the aim to protect cultural heritage, to restore destroyed parts of historic buildings according to their original appearance and to conserve them for the future generations. What are the conservation and restoration activities and what methods are used?
The water that comes into our buildings must meet the water supply requirements and standards. The requirements for wastewater disposal must also be observed. What considerations are taken when installing these systems? Which materials are suitable for their thermal insulation?
Low-energy buildings, sometimes also called green buildings are buildings that through applied design, technology, and construction demands less energy than a traditional or average new house. What types of low energy buildings exist? Which technologies are being used to convert of build from the scratch a low energy house?
Interior plasters are finishing works on the construction, which form the visible facing surface of the interior. Plastering is a wet process with manual or machine application. Which are the components of interior plaster? What are the types of plaster according to location, binder material, number of layers, surface treatment? Do we know enough about the technological process of plastering and the different types of plasters?
Waterproofing prevents potential damage from the action of water or moisture to the building, providing long life, a comfortable and safe environment. The ingress of water into the structure reduces its load-bearing capacity, causes corrosion of the reinforcement and/or concrete. Besides that, making its way into the building, water poses a risk for the development of microorganisms.
The roof is the top cover of the buildings, which protects the interior from the influence of the environment. It is made on a roof structure of wood, concrete, reinforced concrete or metal. The roof covering is installed in layers, including thermal insulation, waterproofing, a vapour barrier, a finishing layer, etc. How is a roof designed? What materials are used? How is a roof insulated?
When it comes to the companies in the construction industry, along with the concepts of sustainable development and sustainable living, it is important that the houses are healthy, energy efficient and good-looking. Multiple researches show that the health is one of the most important requirements for comfortable and pleasant life, whereas the indoor climate of a building affects the health of the inhabitants significantly.