Module 3.Occupational risk assessment related to green and digital jobs. Increasing the occupational culture for the green and digital transition /free/


This module aims to provide skills and tools to design a new risk assessment from a green economy perspective, creating an occupational culture based on OHS systems on risks for workers who undertake new activities.



K1. Determine the probability that a hazard becomes damage (R = P x D) depending on the activity performed
K2. Classify the potential of a risk / hazard according to probability and severity
K3. Measure the frequency and duration of exposure to the hazard


S1. Develop adequate tools and methodologies so that all risks within the company can be assessed
S2. Design the structure of a document for the assessment of new risks
S3. Check that you have adopted the right methodology


Responsibility & Autonomy:
R1. Knowingly assess the risks related to work
R2. Monitor the work process actively and dynamically in view of constantly changing work environments
R3. Instructs trainees as a result of the risk assessment performed


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